13-02-2014, 07:07 PM
Ane doakan Joyride masbro lancar, aman dan nyaman dan tiba kembali dengan selamat [-o<
ammiiiiinnnn, thx ganbrow

gan, moleks jam berapa gajayana jam berapa dateng nya

besok senin harus work soalnya

Moleks brkt pagi, biasanya x 32 di MLK (sta Kotalama). Sampe SLO sore, tinggal cari bis ke Semarang. Majapahit sampe Semarang udah malem. Kalo mau JR tektok, turun KPN dan sambung Moleks di situ. :p
Fanboys are people who are willing to defend and promote the object of their affection. They are rarely objective and disregard facts that contradict their opinions.