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Another Marathon Presented By Bentho

Ane doakan Joyride masbro lancar, aman dan nyaman dan tiba kembali dengan selamat [-o<

ammiiiiinnnn, thx ganbrow Playboy

gan, moleks jam berapa gajayana jam berapa dateng nya Bethe
besok senin harus work soalnya Sakit

Moleks brkt pagi, biasanya x 32 di MLK (sta Kotalama). Sampe SLO sore, tinggal cari bis ke Semarang. Majapahit sampe Semarang udah malem. Kalo mau JR tektok, turun KPN dan sambung Moleks di situ. :p
Fanboys are people who are willing to defend and promote the object of their affection. They are rarely objective and disregard facts that contradict their opinions.

Messages In This Thread
Another Marathon Presented By Bentho - by Bentho - 25-01-2014, 04:16 PM
RE: Another Marathon Presented By Bentho - by CC-201-23 - 13-02-2014, 07:07 PM
JR Pangrango - by zae abjal - 16-02-2014, 03:49 PM

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